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Psychology Services

Giving you confidence to hire and promote the right people.

Symbiotics Ltd

Symbiotics can offer you a range of supporting psychology services and business consultancy solutions to inform and supplement your assessment and selection packages.

Profiling of role, team or business

Symbiotics work with you to profile your airline, business, team and / or role to identify the ideal candidate fit for you. This work is undertaken by our qualified Psychologists and works around our established personality questionnaires, providing you with candidates who embody your company values.

One of our Psychologists will meet with and interview the relevant stakeholders to ensure that we get a complete picture of your requirements. From this work, our team can determine the ethos and culture of your business.

Are you looking to support your recruitment and selection processes? Our Psychologists will appraise the role, working alongside you to understand all aspects of the position. Where possible this will include observing someone in the role to help us understand the unique characteristics required. All the insight gathered here contributes to the profiling exercise completed on the team's return to head office. This identifies both the ‘hard' and ‘soft' skills which would be demonstrated by the ideal post-holder.

How does profiling help me?

Understand your business culture
Informs recruitment decisions
Identifies best fit within teams
Breeds well-motivated teams
Reduces staff turnover
Increases team productivity

Certification training on Symbiotics' assessments

Our psychologically-based assessments, such as our ADAPT Personality Questionnaire, require candidate feedback to be given by a qualified individual. This ensures that we are providing a duty of care to all test takers and complies with the ethical standards set forth by the British Psychological Society.

Although our Psychology team are available to provide feedback on your behalf, we also offer a structured Certification Training course, during which we will train your nominated individuals to interpret and feedback the report yourselves. Our trainers will give you the confidence to interpret the report and matrices as appropriate, allowing you the knowledge to clearly interpret the results and make confident decisions based on the outcomes.

Covering the candidate feedback process as well, you will be given assurance that you are ready to interpret the report and discuss the findings with the relevant candidate or colleague. Find out more about our certification training.

Bespoke services and solutions

If you're looking to understand which of our specialist aviation hiring, training & promotion services suits you best why not visit our aviation services page, answer a few questions and see how we can help.

We are highly versatile in all that we offer, providing customisation or a bespoke assessment programme for what matters to you. Our existing tests can be tailored to the level of candidate you are assessing, your organisational culture, values and competency requirements.

Candidates are benchmarked against industry standards or can be normed / stenned against your specific population to ensure that results are tailored to your bespoke requirements. If you have your own corporate tests already in place, we are able to add these to our ADAPT portal, enhancing your current processes whilst supporting a seamless user experience for both you and your candidates.

Are you ready to talk?

If you would like to find out how we can help you with your assessment needs, please contact us and one of our sales team will be in touch to understand your requirements. We can quickly and easily set up a trial account for you to have a look around the ADAPT system and experience some of our specific tests.